Until the middle of 2022 the main activity of the DAnSe team was the processing of mobile operator data. We used our expertize in telecommunication to find algorithms which could be used to transform aggregated information from mobile networks into data about population mobility. Since September 2022 our focus has moved into field of data extrapolation and prediction about population mobility based on publicly available sources of data. The team has been operating under the auspices of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava since 2015. During this period, several projects have been completed, which have resulted in related deliverables. These take the form of methodologies, software, datasets, provided services, or registered research and development outcomes.
  • TAČR MDČR TB0500MD011 - Specific method of passenger check-in and number of transported passengers. Research project no. TB0500MD011. Project pages.
  • TAČR ČSÚ TD03000452 - Limits of mobile network usage in ČSÚ statistical surveys carried out as part of public procurement programs for experimental research and innovation for the needs of state administration OMEGA. Technological Agency of the Czech Republic. Research project no. TS03000452. Project pages.
  • TAČR RODOS TE01020155 - Specific methodologies within the Center for Development of Transport Systems RODOS TAČR. Research project no. TE01020155, PB8, and PB9. Research project no. TE01020155, PB8 a PB9.
  • Atlas Mobility Emergency State - Selection from the Atlas Mobility for the display interface of mobile operator localization data made accessible within RODOS for the needs of the state and emergency state using the services of the National Supercomputing Center in Ostrava. Atlas Mobility Emergency State project page. Project pages.
  • Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague. Processing of location data of mobile operators for city planning in the public contracts registry 1. Results application example (Czech language) The temporal behavior of users over time2.
  • Regional organizer of integrated transport in Prague (ROPID). Use of mobile data for planning public transport in the public contracts registry 3. Example use case Anonymized Big Data of Mobile Operators in Services of Prague Public Transport web version4.

  1. Processing of location data of mobile operators for city planning. 2019. Accessed on February 28, 2023. URL: https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/10905012

  2. Časoprostorové chování uživatelů - lokalizační data mobilních operátorů pro plánování města. 2024. Navštíveno 16. dubna, 2024. URL: https://app.iprpraha.cz/apl/app/casoprostorove-chovani-uzivatelu/

  3. Use of mobile data for planning public transport. 2020. Accessed on February 28, 2023. URL: https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/13178572

  4. Anonymized big data of mobile operators in services of prague public transport. January 2023. Accessed on June 30, 2023. URL: https://danse.tech/case-studies/anonymized_big_data_of_mobile_operators_in_services_of_prague_public_transport/