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Atlas Course

Atlas of Population Mobility in Czechia (Atlas 2023) is a follow-up on the activities of the provider during the state of emergency (covid-19) where data were processed from anonymized operational data of a mobile operator. For the Atlas 2023, methods of extrapolation and prediction were applied. Outcomes were completed by open data such as census or RUIAN and results of solved project (Specific method of passenger check-in and number of transported passengers; Limits of mobile network usage in ČSÚ statistical surveys; Specific methodologies within the Center for Development of Transport Systems RODOS; Processing of mobile operator localization data for city planning; Using mobile data for the purpose of designing public transport) to reach needed precision. We used the HPC services of the National Supercomputer Center at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava for big data analyses.

The Atlas 2023 was developed over a span of four years, from 2019 to 2023. The project processed and analyzed population mobility data from July 2019, to December 2022. Between September 2022, and March 2023, the mechanics of data extrapolation and prediction were developed to be applied in the final stage, which took place between April 2023, and May 2023. Importantly, the timing was such that the results of the 2021 census on commutes could be included. Finally, the publication of the basic results took place in June 2023 and July 2023.

Publication of Atlas of Population Mobility In Czechia Results

The results are published in following sections.

  • Results. Access to data with BI tool.

  • Help Results. Comments to dashboards available in BI tool.

  • Raw data sets available via Amazon Marketplace include data from which the results presented with BI tool on the Results page can ve viewed.



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Early Response During the State of Emergency (covid-19)

Data comparable to Atlas 2023 were first published in May 2020 as an early response to needs of government during the state of emergency (covid-19). You may inspect results (Czech language only) at Primární předávací rozhraní dat o mobilitě obyvatel v ČR během nouzového stavu (covid-19) zpracovaných z anonymizovaných provozních údajů společnosti T-Mobile CZ s využitím služeb Národního superpočítačového centra na VŠB - Technické univerzitě v Ostravě. These data were processed from anonymized operational data of a mobile operator in accordance with relevant agreements1,2. The historical version of the original mobility atlas is preserved in the state of the last public update on 20.3.2021. Selected data from the mobility atlas was made available for the needs of the state and state of emergency for the territorial codes "State", "Region", "District", "Municipality" over 38,000 inhabitants according to the CZSO3. The values differ from the Atlas 2023 due to different processing methods. See Difference of Data Published in Atlas 2023 to Data Delivered Within Customer´s Projects.

With the end of the measure, based on experience, the developer revised the content of the mobility atlas in order to preserve reference values for use in the areas of research on the effects of a specific situation on mobility, measures, future planning and prevention. This resulted to this Atlas 2023 which uses only the expertise gained in projects executed so far. The content of the Atlas 2023 is based on the result of data extrapolations, predictions and combination with publicly available resources such as RUIAN, population census, transport intensity measurements and other open data.

  1. T-mobile nabízí vládě pomoc s koronavirem. 2020. Accessed on March 20, 2020. URL:

  2. Mobility atlas: in april, the mobility of people in bohemia and moravia begins to get to usual levels. May 2020. Accessed on 1 May 2023. URL:

  3. Obyvatelstvo čsú. 2 2023. Accessed on February 28, 2023. URL: